'False error message' appears when installing Dec 2013 Surface Pro 2 firmware update
"Some people may by experiencing a false error message, 80070490. The firmware update should be installing correctly; however, if you received this error message, we recommend that you go to Device Manager check the firmware history to ensure the latest update installed. If it did not install correctly, please let us know on this forum so we can work to fix the issue. Thank you for your patience and know we are in the process of addressing this issue,"
12月定例Windows Update適用すると、ブルースクリーンになったり、実際にはファームウェアの更新に失敗していたり、勝手にスリープから解除によってバッテリーの消耗が激しくなるらしく?
しかし、幸い、私のピンクのSurface Pro 2ではいまだにブルースクリーンになったことはありません。
Microsoft to re-release Dec 2013 Surface Pro 2 firmware update on Jan 14th?
Microsoft eventually pulled the firmware update and promised an "alternative" firmware update after the holidays. Now, it appears that Microsoft Support has indicated that the updated firmware will indeed roll out on January 14th, during the January 2014 Patch Tuesday.